Stay positive, work hard, & make it happen.

Stay positive, work hard, & make it happen.

By Haley Kennedy, Recovery Coach – 8.13.2021 – When we come into recovery, we are faced with countless challenges; from admitting the problem, to pursuing treatment, to mending relationships, each stage of recovery and rehabilitation comes with its own set of hurdles. In addition to the more obvious obstacles, we also have to continue to…

Pride Makes Us Artificial. Humility Makes Us Real.

Pride Makes Us Artificial. Humility Makes Us Real.

By Haley Kennedy, Recovery Coach – 7.30.2021 – Humility is simply having a realistic sense of oneself – meaning seeing ourselves as “right-sized”. In recovery, humility gives us the willingness to surrender our ego, false pride, arrogance, and low self-esteem. With that, we gain the courage to be vulnerable, which allows us to seek help…

Let’s Retire the Word “Relapse.”

Let’s Retire the Word “Relapse.”

By Haley Kennedy, Recovery Coach – 7.2.2021 – When someone is being treated for degenerative disc disease, and their pain returns, do medical professionals refer to the recurrence as a “relapse?” … Never. Seldom with other medical conditions do we use the term “relapse” when the symptoms return. So, why is it that we can’t…

It’s Not Your Job to Like Me, It’s Mine.

It’s Not Your Job to Like Me, It’s Mine.

By Haley Kennedy, Recovery Coach – 6.4.2021 – Self-esteem is having “respect for and confidence in one’s own worth or abilities,” and is formed throughout one’s life experiences. These can include childhood experiences, personal successes or failures, and how they have been treated by family, friends, peers, coaches, teachers and anyone else close to them….