Resilience is defined as the capacity to cope with, recover from, or adjust easily to misfortune or change despite setbacks, barriers, or limited resources.

Well in my opinion, that definition explains the first six months of 2020. Would you agree?

If you ask me, I cannot imagine a more valuable skill, for success and happiness in general, but especially these days.

Here are a few ways to build resilience and practice positive coping skills while eliminating the negative strategies.

  1. Emotion Focused Coping / Positive Reframing

There is one thing in life I have control over – my response or reaction to situations. So, when I am unable to alter a situation, I can change my mind. When I adjust my perspective, I am better able to process, understand and cope with life in a productive way. I often use gratitude to practice this strategy. A result or circumstance that isn’t my “desired” outcome is an opportunity for growth.

  1. Acceptance

I start by accepting the reality of a situation while recognizing and understanding my inability to alter it. This acceptance affords me the opportunity and ability to begin working on unique and creative solutions on how to make it better or more tolerable. I give myself the freedom of focusing on a solution when I stop fighting against the issue.

  1. Humor

Humor has been proven to boost mood, alleviate emotional distress, and can even safeguard against depression. Humor typically induces laughter, which is proven to improve the immune response, enhance perceptual flexibility, and decrease the physical and mental effects of stress.  The more I am laughing, the happier I am feeling, and the less stressed I feel about the world around me.

  1. Problem Focused Coping

With this strategy I direct my energy towards direct action to transform the situation or source of stress. This is particularly helpful when I find myself in self-induced un-comfortability, often in situations regarding relationships with others. There is a saying “let go or be dragged.”

  1. Planning

To overcome obstacles, I must develop a thoughtful and practical plan. I start by defining what success looks like, then determine clear, measurable goals that will deliver me to success.

  1. Active Coping

When I have a plan with clearly defined goals, I am able begin taking action towards dealing with the stressor or activating my plan. I often use a visual, like post-it notes or a check list, as a daily reminder and motivator to remain on my path or in my process.


Another tool for manifesting resilience, and other abilities or competencies, are affirmations. Affirmations are often used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it. They are also used to help us create the reality we want—often in terms of making (or attracting) wealth, love, beauty, and happiness.”

My self-affirmation for Resilience

  • I deserve the life I want.
  • I am committed to my purpose.
  • I have wisdom and strength.
  • I will not give in to sadness.
  • I will not let my thoughts control the way I feel.
  • I will never, ever give up.
  • I will stay positive and work on a solution.
  • My life is great with all the positive and negative things in it.
  • I allow myself to be happy, no matter what.
  • I am a survivor.

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