Written by Recovery Coach Lauren

Summer has always been a great time of the year for me. Warm weather, beach or pool days, cookouts and parties. With the 4th of July around the corner, some of these things can be a trigger for those in early recovery. I remember getting into recovery thinking I could never experience these things again because I always used to “have fun.” So, learning how to have fun and not get off track was a learning experience. I wanted to share some suggestions that were helpful for me during this time:  

Plan ahead: If you are going to a cookout, 4th of July celebration, or a family gathering that you have been to in the past that may be difficult now that you are in recovery, make sure you have an exit plan. If it means bringing your own car so you can leave when you need to, letting people in your network know you are going so they can support you or bringing a friend who is also in Recovery to help support you.  

I remember a friend asking if I would tag along for a family birthday party because she just was not sure how she would feel. We came up with a silly word to use if we “needed to escape!” It worked! We ended up using the word “Flamingo” which just made the both of us laugh and made her feel a bit more comfortable. We left and went to a meeting and were able to talk about our feelings on the ride from the party to the meeting since it was just her and I.  

Get outside: There is so much more to do in the warm weather. Healthy outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, walking, and Recovery softball leagues. It took a while for me to realize there was more to life than chasing the next high. Exercise is a great recovery tool, and mixed with the warm weather, it can boost your mood! Take a moment out to recognize the beauty in a hike the colorful flowers and leaves. The serene feeling of just taking the space to enjoy what life has to offer.  

Work a summer job or volunteer: So many jobs open up in the summertime, allowing you to make extra money or explore new career options. Try looking for jobs that will bring more into your life. Giving back to the community can help you feel good and get you out of your way. This can also help remind you how grateful you are to be living in recovery. 

Plan a vacation in Recovery: There are several organizations that plan weekend get-a-ways, Recovery cruises, music festivals and the list goes on! This is a great way to meet new people in recovery and see the world while feeling safe and secure in your recovery. Or you and recovery friends can plan your own vacation! 

Practicing self-care: Make sure that you are getting plenty of water, eating well, and sleeping! Taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually helps us to stay focused on our goals. Meditation, yoga, reading a book, or listening to music are great ways to practice self-care.  

Remember your goals:  Remember what you are trying to achieve. Temptation will always arise, just remember what is important. Indulging in bad habits might feel good in the moment, but often will lead to guilt and shame. You will make some sacrifices in recovery but they will be well worth it when you are living a fulfilling and meaningful life. 

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