The Importance of Healthy Boundaries

The Importance of Healthy Boundaries

Recovery Coach Lauren 4/29/22  Setting boundaries isn’t always easy or nice, but it’s necessary, spiritual, and empowering. Healing relationships in recovery takes time and effort on everyone’s part.   As we know addiction fuels many fear based behavior and other dysfunctional interactions with families and friends. Some of these interactions and behaviors can be the need…

Plymouth County Outreach Advisory Board Releases Statement on 2021 Annual Report

Plymouth County Outreach Advisory Board Releases Statement on 2021 Annual Report

*To view the 2021 Plymouth County Outreach Annual Report, click here.* PLYMOUTH — The following is a statement from the Plymouth County Outreach Advisory Board: The Plymouth County Outreach Advisory Board is pleased to announce an 18% decrease in fatal overdoses in 2021. This reduction is thanks to the tireless efforts of our Recovery Coaches,…

Hack Happiness Chemicals

Hack Happiness Chemicals

By Haley Kennedy, Recovery Coach – 2.11.2022 –     The brain is our most complex organ, and a critically important one. Neurotransmitters are the vital cogs in the machine that is our brain, relaying the messages that keep our bodies running effectively. However, when we use substances, it disrupts these pathways and interferes with the…