Recovery Month

Recovery Month

The importance of recovery month is to spread awareness and rejoice together in the celebration of those living with, surviving addiction and mental health recovery. The concept of recovery wasn’t always widely recognized or at times even accepted in the past as it is today. Tirelessly and wholeheartedly the recovery community is dedicated to the…

What to do when you ditch the booze. Tips to help you enjoy yourself while striving on your recovery journey.

What to do when you ditch the booze. Tips to help you enjoy yourself while striving on your recovery journey.

Summer is in full swing! Tis’ the season of gatherings; graduation parties, camping, barbeques, bonfires, beach days, fireworks and much more. Summer and sunshine are what we’ve all been waiting for! Encompassed in these gatherings of long days, sunsets and summer nights is alcohol being the base of many bonding experiences. So, what do you…

Sometimes we will be holding a compass but still need a guide.

Sometimes we will be holding a compass but still need a guide.

“Knowing and Knowing are two different things”. This is a catch phrase of sorts that I started using years ago. My meaning behind the saying goes as follows: First I have an indication of what a task will mean emotionally for me during the time of initial contemplation. Then the epiphanies that come surging along…